WordPress android app

Blogging on WordPress has now gotten even easier and more mobile. Being on the go shouldn’t hold you back from documenting your experience, and this app is a great way to do it.

Blogging on your mobile phone has its pros and cons, and it definitely doesn’t feel the same as typing on my laptop. Unfortunately, inspiration doesn’t always hit when I’m sitting at my desk, so I’ve taken to mobile blogging to capture my ideas as they happen and encourage a more free approach to writing.

Perfectionism and the quest to make every aspect of my blog original has slowed me down in the past. I’ve always wanted a website or blog that looks exactly the way I want it to (and then change my mind and start over).


The WordPress app is designed to remind you that your words are the most important part of your blog. They have done this by using a very simple interface with plenty of white space.

Mobile designs

Mobile design apps are making graphic design more accessible to you. Anyone with a smartphone can use these apps to create eye catching images. You don’t need to have a Mac or expensive software to test out and hone your design skills. Here are some examples of marketing visuals I created in the Canva mobile app.